With the development of the logistics industry, 4g car gps tracker has become a necessary configuration for logistics vehicles. GIS-based transportation planning management and GPS-based tracking services can comprehensively manage all working levels of logistics services.

1. Vehicle tracking-the actual location of the vehicle can be displayed in real time using GPS and electronic maps, and the delivery vehicles and goods can be effectively tracked;

2. Route planning and navigation-automatic and manual. Automatic route planning is that the driver determines the starting point and the end point, and the computer software automatically designs the best driving route according to the requirements, including the fastest route, the simplest route, the route with the least number of passes through the highway section, and so on. Manual route planning means that the driver designs the starting point, end point and passing points according to his destination, and builds his own route database. After the route planning is completed, the system can design the route on the electronic map and display the vehicle running path and direction at the same time;

3. Command and dispatch-The command center can monitor the operating conditions of vehicles in the area and conduct reasonable dispatch of the vehicles under test. The command center can also talk to the tracked target at any time for remote management;

4. Information query-query on the electronic map as needed. The queried target displays its location on the electronic map. The command center can use the monitoring console to query the location of any target in the area. The vehicle information is displayed in digital form. Display on the electronic map of the control center;

5. Emergency rescue——Using GPS positioning and monitoring management system to provide emergency assistance to delivery vehicles in danger or accidents. The electronic map of the monitoring station can display help information and alarm targets, and plan the optimal assistance plan. Lightly warn on-duty staff to implement emergency treatment;

6. Office automation-the logistics information platform has completely planned the inbound and outbound operations between the various outlets of the logistics network, which can achieve a completely paperless operation, without fax and telephone confirmation, and all information can reach the other party accurately and timely through the Internet Hands. Arrival, transfer, delivery, sign for and other operations are completed through the system, and can achieve complete transparency between authorized users. Communication and financial settlement between various branches can be realized quickly and accurately through this system;

7. Auxiliary decision support-global or local logistics optimization, geographic analysis of customers at all levels, transportation capacity model analysis, transportation and logistics resource optimization, distribution center capacity analysis, distribution network plan analysis, intermodal transportation optimization plan analysis, agent network setting optimization, logistics Simulation analysis model, storage capacity analysis, warehouse location model, transit warehouse optimization plan, etc.